[fwp_borano_hero_image title=“YEAH, WE ARE FRIENDLY.“ title_tag=“h1″ full_height=“0″ border=““ background=““ hbackground=““ extra_class=““ image=“4115″ title_color=““][/fwp_borano_hero_image]
[fwp_borano_title title=“WHO WE ARE“ link=““ tag=“h3″ title_pos=“text-left“ absolute_center=“0″ separator=“1″ separator_pos=“separator-left“ title_color=““ extra_class=““ separator_class=“separator-left“]

Friendly Digital Media is a CGI production studio. Our services cover the workflow from early concept to broadcast-ready motion and still works. We pride ourselves in pushing the limits of what is possible, constantly looking for ways of improving and expanding our tools in software and workflows. Just as diverse as our tool- and skillset is our client base: From small and medium companies to large international media and industry clients.

[fwp_borano_features type=“1″ title=“HOW WE DO THINGS“ text=“We founded Friendly in 2014 as a studio where we could combine our indivisual skills and know-how. With our diverse backgrounds in advertising, design and media technology we created a setup we had always dreamed of: An open place for new ideas, where we could push the established boundaries of our business. A place where we could really go new ways with and for our clients.“ style=“dark“ position=“right“ extra_class=““ image=“4116″]
[fwp_borano_title title=“WHAT WE DO“ link=““ tag=“h3″ title_pos=“text-center“ absolute_center=“0″ separator=“1″ separator_pos=“separator“ title_color=““ extra_class=““ separator_class=“separator“]
[fwp_borano_serviceswi_container extra_class=““][fwp_borano_serviceswi_item title=“VFX (Movies & Commercials)“ text=“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque alias corrupti magni similique beatae, facilis ullam pariatur, veritatis commodi.“ link=““ size=“4″ extra_class=““ image=“192″][fwp_borano_serviceswi_item title=“CGI“ text=“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque alias corrupti magni similique beatae, facilis ullam pariatur, veritatis commodi.“ link=““ size=“4″ extra_class=““ image=“193″][fwp_borano_serviceswi_item title=“Digital Make-Up (Movies & Commercials)“ text=“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque alias corrupti magni similique beatae, facilis ullam pariatur, veritatis commodi.“ link=““ size=“4″ extra_class=““ image=“192″][fwp_borano_serviceswi_item title=“Animation“ text=“We create animations in different styles for all of todays‘ visual communivations needs. From conference titles, explanatory animations to highly polished corporate presentations.“ link=““ size=“4″ extra_class=““ image=“193″][fwp_borano_serviceswi_item title=“ArchViz“ text=“We create animations in different styles for all of todays‘ visual communivations needs. From conference titles, explanatory animations to highly polished corporate presentations.“ link=““ size=“4″ extra_class=““ image=“193″][fwp_borano_serviceswi_item title=“Character Animation“ text=“We do Character Animation, Rigging & Skinning, Motion-Editing (MoCap Clean-Up) and Character Modelling (Zbrush)“ link=““ size=“4″ extra_class=““ image=“193″][/fwp_borano_serviceswi_container]
[fwp_borano_services_container with_title=“1″ title=““ extra_class=““ background=“4111″][/fwp_borano_services_container]
[fwp_borano_title title=“THE TEAM“ link=““ tag=“h3″ title_pos=“text-center“ absolute_center=“0″ separator=“1″ separator_pos=“separator“ title_color=““ extra_class=““]

Ich bin ein Textblock. Klicken Sie auf den Bearbeiten Button um diesen Text zu ändern. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

[fwp_borano_team_container extra_class=““][fwp_borano_team_item name=“Fabian Stall“ text=“Fabian was born in the late seventies and climbed his way up to achieve a wide spectrum of skills with the focus of solving problems and making ideas become true. Always most motivated to bring his own ideas sketches to real life he achieved his dimploma in electronic and information engineering to get the knowledge to remove every technical barrier to fullfil customer concepts or create custom workflows to make them most efficient.“ size=“6″ social_fb=“#“ social_tw=““ social_go=““ social_be=“#“ social_db=““ social_in=“#“ social_li=““ extra_class=““ social_fa=“#“ image=“3870″][fwp_borano_team_item name=“Oswin Neumann“ text=“Working at big game studios and teaching at 3D schools was just not enough.“ size=“6″ social_fb=“#“ social_tw=““ social_go=““ social_be=““ social_db=“#“ social_in=“#“ social_li=““ extra_class=““ social_fa=“#“ image=““][/fwp_borano_team_container]
[fwp_borano_clients items_per_row=“3″ extra_class=““ clients=“4080,4092,4097,4082,4095,4083,4090,4089,4084,4085,4094,4086,4087,4088,4091,4093,4096,4081″]
[fwp_borano_title title=“WANT TO WORK WITH US?“ link=“url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.friendly-digital.com%2Fcontact-us%2F|title:Contact%20US||“ tag=“h3″ title_pos=“text-center“ absolute_center=“0″ separator=“0″ title_color=“#ffffff“ extra_class=““][fwp_borano_button link=“url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.friendly-digital.com%2Fcontact-us%2F|title:GET%20IN%20TOUCH||“ button_pos=“text-center“ margin_top=“20″ style=“white“ outline=“1″ extra_class=““]